When you are putting your house up for sale in this tough economy, you are wise to not spend anymore than you have to when you are getting it ready to sell. However, to increase the chances of success for selling your home, it does still need to be in showing condition to impress potential buyers.
Budget-Friendly Home Improvements
Real estate professionals emphasize the importance of focusing on the following when preparing your home to show:
- De-clutter – With too many of your personal belongings in the home, potential buyers may struggle to picture themselves in it. They may also have trouble seeing some of the positive details with all of the distracting clutter.
- Fix the Visual Problems – Touch up paint that is chipping and fill in holes. If there are screens that are broken they should either be removed or replaced. Clean up grout in the bathrooms and re-caulk where necessary. These tasks will help ensure that your home doesn’t automatically create a red flag that there is work that needs to be done.
- Correct Issues that Will Audibly Tell buyers There Are Issues – This means that you need to lubricate squeaky doors and fix leaky faucets and running toilets.
- Modernize Cabinets – You don’t need to fully refinish cabinets, you can simply replace the hardware in your kitchen and bathrooms to spruce up their look.
- Clean Up Your Lawn – Make sure your lawn is well-manicured by cutting the grass, pulling out the weeds and pruning the trees.
When your potential profit may already be affected due to the current state of the market, you want to keep as much money in your pocket as possible. These changes can be made with a minimal investment and give you a better chance at a strong sale because appearances will help you win over prospective buyers.
About The Author: Karengustin
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